Employer Match

Your gift to Garden Center can go even further when you take advantage of corporate and employer matching gift programs. 

If you work for or are retired from a corporation that offers matching gifts, simply submit information of your gift to Garden Center to your employer and request the match, which could double your contributions. 

Please contact your company’s HR Department for more information.

Adopt a Home

With the state’s current fiscal situation, home maintenance and upkeep can be an enormous burden for the agency. In 2015, Bob & Kathy Wagner started Garden Center’s Adopt a Home Program to help meet this need.

The vision of Adopt-a-Home is to identify a “Team Lead” for each of Garden Center Services’ settings, that helps facilitate volunteer efforts towards the completion of small and large home repairs, as well as the amassing of requested household items. The site’s “Team Lead” family or group also enhances the social and entertainment experiences for the individuals who live in the home by creating occasional get-together events.

If you, or your business/church/service group would like to adopt a Garden Center location or if you would like to offer your help to an existing team leader, please contact us for more information. 

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Seeds for the Future Legacy Society

One of the basic truths is the impermanence of our lives. While here, most of us try our best to make a positive difference in the lives of others. One way to continue that helpful influence long after you’ve gone is to become a member of Garden Center’s Seeds for the Future Legacy Society.

The Seeds for the Future Legacy Society recognizes those individuals who have chosen to leave a lasting charitable legacy by including Garden Center Services in their will, trust, or estate plan. 

Those who remember Garden Center through a will, trust, or other planned gift, are invited to inform us of their intentions and join Garden Center’s Legacy Society. Too often, these gifts are unrecognized because we are unaware of these special gifts until the donor has passed away. 

You may choose to remain anonymous in your philanthropy, however, participation in the Seeds of the Future Society can be inspirational and may encourage others to look toward the future and consider how they too may have an enduring impact on the future of services for adults with intellectual disabilities at Garden Center Services.

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