Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things.
-Thomas Merton
In a couple of weeks we, and all agencies like ours throughout the country, will be celebrating Direct Support Professional Recognition Week (September 11-17).
It is a great opportunity to focus on the incredibly committed, attentive direct support workforce that is the heart and backbone of services for the individuals with disabilities that Garden Center cares for. We currently have 72 Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) at the agency and their average length of employment is over 6 years, with a number being with us much longer! Knowing how important it is for our participants to have stable, safe relationships, this is a very significant piece of information!
I am always amazed how our direct care staff find the energy and compassion to be there for the individuals we serve, knowing the day in, day out responsibilities they also carry for their own families. Our management philosophy here at the agency is one of Servant Leadership; we understand that to the degree we demonstrate the value and worth of our awesome staff, then they will provide our wonderful individuals the attention and experiences that provide this same sense of being treasured. It’s no accident that Garden Center’s mission is “Advancing lives of connection, contribution, and meaning for persons with developmental disabilities and the individuals that support them”.
We try to express throughout the year how vital our employees are but DSP Week is a chance to invite you, the parents/guardians/families/& friends, to join us in the effort to really show our appreciation and admiration to these fine staff that provide such quality services to our loved ones. On the page above, you will find an article detailing a number of things you can do to show your gratitude or, if you prefer, you can visit our webpage to make a donation. Please take a few moments to really make someone’s day!
Thank you and Take care.
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